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Welcome to Raven's Readings. I’m reading from The Inimitable Jeeves, a collection of short stories written by P.G. Wodehouse in 1923. Jeeves, a valet, and his employer Bertie Wooster, are all characters in dozens of these little vignettes. The stores are all told from the point of view of Bertie.
Last chapter was all about a musical revue in the country, and an orange fight. Bingo was involved, of course. Now we're back in town and meet up with Bertie's troublesome cousins, Claude and Eustace.
I do readings twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays, so this collection should take about six weeks. Please subscribe to my Substack newsletter, you'll get notified of my updates as soon as they are ready. If you enjoy this reading, or have other classics you'd like to hear, leave me a comment.
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