Raven's View
Raven's Readings
My Stories #14 -A Traveling Tale; A Touch of Blue

My Stories #14 -A Traveling Tale; A Touch of Blue

Welcome to Raven's Readings. Here are two more of my own stories. I'll be doing these on Friday's, and some of the classics on Tuesdays.

Both of these stories feature my Fairy Tale folk, made famous by the Grimm's and now brought to life by a renewed interest in the stories. And in turn, they are doing new stories and giving their impact a bit of magical boost.

The prompt for #1 was to write about travel, either external or internal journeys. The second story, is about Good versus Good, two people with noble intentions working against each other.

I like writing to a variety of challenges, and have done over a hundred of these so far. You can find all my short stories via my website .

If you subscribe to my newsletter, you'll get the next installments as soon as they are ready. If you enjoy this reading, and would like more of my stories or maybe some of the classics, leave me a comment.

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Raven's View
Raven's Readings
Readings from my own stories and some of the classics, all quirky and with a bit of a chuckle. Comments to ravensview@gmail.com or my substack.