Raven's View
Raven's Readings
Kirk's Landing - Ch 1-4

Kirk's Landing - Ch 1-4

A teaser and a promo

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening. Welcome to Raven's Readings. Today I'll be reading something different - this episode is sponsored by me and my first novel, Kirk's Landing. I wrote this a number of years ago, drawing on my own knowledge of gangs, police work, graffiti, First Nations, and life in a small northern town. With some fantasy added in, via evil spirts and a magical power. I was pleased to learn I could actually write, and not badly either - I hope you agree.

I'll be reading from the first few chapters, with the hope that I encourage you to buy your very own copy. It's available online from various sites, as a paper back and an ebook. See my site www.mikeyoung.ca for more information. Check out your local bookstore too, mine is called Spaniel's Tale. And it's in major libraries across Canada. Also, if you need help with your own writing or publishing - drop me a line.

Enjoy my reading today, and leave a comment - do you like this mixed genre? Are you from a small town?

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Treat me to a coffee

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Raven's View
Raven's Readings
Readings from my own stories and some of the classics, all quirky and with a bit of a chuckle. Comments to ravensview@gmail.com or my substack.