Raven's View
Raven's Readings
A Room With a View - #7 They Return

A Room With a View - #7 They Return

Braving a storm, while filled with inner turmoil

Welcome to Raven's Readings. I'll be reading again from A Room With a View, a 1908 novel by E.M. Forster. It's about a young, sheltered, woman living in the restrained and class-conscious culture of Edwardian England. It's both a romance and a humourous critique of the class distinctions at that time.

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In the last chapter, George made a move, and Lucy didn't seem to mind. Now all must return to the security of the pension.

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Treat me to a coffee

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Raven's View
Raven's Readings
Readings from my own stories and some of the classics, all quirky and with a bit of a chuckle. Comments to ravensview@gmail.com or my substack.